May 2023

Empty nester

Posted on May 02, 2023

The house seems big since the kids left.

You feel lonely.

You feel lost.

You no longer feel you have a purpose.

Being an empty nester can bring sadness.

But each person's experience is unique and valid.

Life as an empty nester can be both challenging and rewarding.

How will you manage?

Here are some tips to help you navigate this new chapter in your life:

  • S...

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Spend money to make money!

Posted on May 02, 2023

I run a few businesses and they say spend money to make money.

This means that sometimes you have to invest money in order to make a profit.

Taking risks and spending money on business ventures or investments can lead to greater financial gain in the long term.

I do agree but it has its limits.
I would never overspend money while sacrificing living a...

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