This means that sometimes you have to invest money in order to make a profit.
Taking risks and spending money on business ventures or investments can lead to greater financial gain in the long term.
I do agree but it has its limits.
I would never overspend money while sacrificing living a full life.
It's not my style.
I do agree that we have to invest in ourselves and our business to succeed.
But budgeting to make it happen is important.
The best success stories were the ones that had a clear vision about their business.
And I know what I want.
I am very realistic about the money that I have to spend.
Businesses can't run without spending money.
But it doesn't have to put you in the hole.
And sacrifice your family life.
Over the years, as an independent contractor, I spent a lot of money making my business successful
But now I do it smarter not harder.
And I don't have to do it by spending more than I can afford.